Jill Levenson to Speak at ACSOL Conference on September 17

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Professor Jill Levenson, who has studied and reported on the impact of the registry upon individuals and their families, will speak during ACSOL’s annual conference on Friday, September 17, at 10 a.m. (Pacific).  The title of her presentation is “Post-Conviction Traumatic Success: Recovery, Resilience and Restoring Hope.”

Levenson is an international expert in the monitoring and treatment of individuals convicted of a sex offense.  She has often criticized sex offender registries which she claims are ineffective as well as residency restrictions. In addition, Levenson has issued a study that debunks the myth that registrants pose a danger to children while trick-or-treating on Halloween.

“We are honored that Professor Levenson has agreed to speak at this year’s conference,” stated ACSOL President Chance Oberstein.  “In her presentation, Professor Levenson will address challenges faced by registrants in their daily lives and how to overcome them.”

Levenson has been a keynoted speaker in conferences held in more than 20 states in the U.S. as well as in the countries of Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia.  She has co-authored five books about the treatment of sexual abuse and published more than 100 articles on that topic.

Supporting Those Who Love the Loathed: Trauma-Informed Support Groups for Family Members of Registered Sex Offenders

Life on “the List” is a Life Lived in Fear: Post-Conviction Traumatic Stress in Men Convicted of Sexual Offenses



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It is truly amazing that Jill Levenson, PhD, will be sharing with us what she has learned about registrants and their families! I look forward to hearing from her and hope you will, too. All you need to do is sign up for the conference using the link above.

You tell em Janice wish I could be out their. Tim while I don’t keep track of Mrs Levenson or this Sexplanation Woopie Goldburg lady with her fast talk’in. I have enough time keeping up with Judge Wapner reruns and OJ. Simpson. I wasn’t really into Woody Allen anyway but I know my dad was an accountant and they didn’t a have click mouse in the 40′ 50′ or 60’s but I can guarantee he was in court more times than you.

He got so sick of going to the state capital for his company that he didn’t even want to be called for jury duty. Nothing wrong with Ms. Levenson, I’m sure she will be a good asset speaker and educate you you teens and many adults. Tim take an example take a car… one can either use it for good or bad or who does a hit and run without leaving slid marks?

Don’t know much about Jill Levenson but sounds like she’s been around the world raising awareness about the harm Megan’s law is causing people all across the country.
People on the registry in California especially people placed in tier 3 need to stop hiding in the shadows wateing on Janice Bellucci and her team to come rescue them, GOD helps those who help themselves.
So next time Dont ask what ACSOL can do for you but ask what can you do for ACSOL

Good luck ✊😎

Seems like all you all are missing the point or do we all leave skid marks. Even women in certain circles at times can leave their mark, but its the individual that actually leaves the mark. Sure we all can hit and run or who looks at the tracks of one tears or even drinks the bitterness of life. So one can either motivate or procrastinate. Sure war is hell. I think Sherman said that and I don’t think Sherman was any bowinkle.

Nothing wrong with a good motivational speaker in this registry type war. Now I’m sure you all know that abuse isn’t any good. Sure if I would of had any provocative sexual oriented material on my computer I would have been looking at gray walls for a while. My texting was a bit unbecoming but who was trying to run over who without leaving skid marks. So if your a cricket let your conscious be your guide or how many speak without reason. Trying isn’t the way its trusting. Twisting the truth can be no truth at all or who has a halo of truth for justice in America.

Sure the little talk I had with Janice several years ago didn’t make to much sense but I wasn’t looking at it from her prospective and I’m sure she had her reasons and that shows a caring person. Caring about others & leaving an impression is better than skid marks anytime. …

Wow! That’s great that she’s agreed to speak/present! She’s so well-known in the field!

If you did not receive your link to the conference, first check your spam folder. If it is not there contact conference@all4consolaws.org

It was an excellent presentation. I know I learned a lot, and I also identified well with other’s experiences.

I think those that missed it can look for the recording, but might have to pay the conference fee to get access.